Happy birthday, Sonno: A thank you letter to our customers

Happy birthday, Sonno: A thank you letter to our customers

Hey Sonno sleepers, it’s me, your Sonno mattress. Can I tell you something? 

Over the last three years, your love and support has made me the most comfortable mattress ever. 

With over 1,000 happy reviews on me, I could not be any more grateful! 

In this period, I have experienced so much change and I love that I am there for you every night as you have been with me. 

 Wanna know something else? 

If it was not for you, I would not be where I am today and on my birth month (happy birthday to me!) I would love to take you on a trip down memory lane to my very first appearance. 

Looking at my launch all the way back in 2017, I never expected nor anticipated the wonderful journey ahead of me. 

At the beginning of 2018 I made my public debut at 4 Nap Rooms, Common Ground – the largest co-working space office in Malaysia and though I was nervous, I kept my hopes up.

They always say the first year is tough and for me it was filled with sleepless and lonely nights, unsure of when I will be chosen and taken to a loving home.  

Thankfully, the amazing team at Sonno never gave up on me and throughout 2018 they created innovative ways to make taking me home easier than ever. These ways included an instalment plan, referral & mattress disposal programs, and my very first showroom! Seriously, is there anything these guys can’t do? #blessed 

 2018 was definitely a year of firsts. Oh, and I even got a new little friend in that process: Sonno the pillow - made entirely out of memory foam to help you fall into the deepest sleep you’ll ever have. 

As the new year of 2019 rolled around, even greater things happened all thanks to the support of first year customers including the opening of our brand new office (aka home)! 

But the best part of that year for me was the new Sonno Community Outreach program.

At Sonno, our mission is to “help people live better” where we believe that everyone deserves a good night sleep including Malaysia’s low-income communities. If I get returned within our 100-day period, instead of being discarded while still in my prime condition; I get channelled to a new home from an underprivileged community. What a joy and privilege it is to make a difference in someone’s life!  

As 2019 rolled on, I was so excited when we had our second showroom in Shah Alam. With that opening,  I was able to meet more people and give them the chance to experience the true meaning of good sleep. But just as I thought the year could not get any better we had another surprise: we opened our first showroom in Singapore!

What a time to be alive! The adventure South was exhilarating as I was able to experience a new environment in the Lion City.  

From the incredible response we had, we decided to enhance the experience and ease of our Singaporean customers to take me home through a 0% instalment payment plan. In that same period towards the end of 2019, we launched a temporary shop at iSetan and a Lazada Mall shop to further our reach. 2019, you did not disappoint. 

Welcome to 2020! 

At the start of the year, I was the key star of the brand new Sonno Sleep Lab where in-store customers can purchase me  or pick-up an order they made online. It became a hub where people of all backgrounds and ages could interact and have the chance to take me home. 

Oh wait! Guess what? In 2020, the geniuses behind Sonno got busy and made me a little brother: the Sonno Lite - designed with the intention of giving you the best rest that suits anybody’s budget. 

 Now, he may be new, looking all fresh and quite popular with the younger crowd… But I AM the one you want - I’m irreplaceable... Or just have us both! ;)

In 2020, we also launched the “Get Paid to Sleep” campaign in the search for a Sleep Executive. Now, we know that Malaysians love to sleep.. And so do we! That’s why we designed this first-of-its-kind job position to find the best “hibernating snoozer” with a deep burning passion for sleep. The job was so well received that we had more than 7,500 job applications, got featured in the biggest media outlets and from all that we welcomed Nigeena to our team - our first Sleep Executive!

As you know, the road has been an exciting one and I truly believe the journey was worth it. Everything that I have just shared is linked directly to our belief that your sleep is important and that in itself is important to us.  

So, thank you for being on this journey with me and on my birthday I am just so grateful for everything that we have faced. 

We have been through a lot together, but here’s to so much more to come. Keep watching this space and know that I will always be there for you.  

Yours truly, 

Your Sonno mattress


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